clear ;
clc ; close ; M =4; i = 1:M; t = 0:0.001:1; for i = 1:M s1(i ,:) = cos (2* %pi *2* t)*cos ((2*i -1) *%pi /4) ; s2(i ,:) = -sin (2* %pi *2* t)*sin ((2*i -1) *%pi /4) ; end S1 =[]; S2 = []; S = []; Input_Sequence=[0 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0]; m = [3 ,1 ,1 ,2]; for i =1: length (m) S1 = [S1 s1(m(i) ,:) ]; S2 = [S2 s2(m(i) ,:) ]; end S = S1+S2; figure subplot (3 ,1 ,1) a = gca (); a.x_location = "origin"; plot (S1) title ('Binary PSK wave o f Odd-numbered bits of input sequence') subplot (3 ,1 ,2) a = gca (); a.x_location = "origin"; plot (S2) title ('Binary PSK wave o f Even-numbered bits of input sequence') subplot (3 ,1 ,3) a = gca (); a.x_location = "origin"; plot (S) title ('QPSK waveform ')
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